Currently + Favorite Things from Beauty, Clothes and Baby

Holy moly, it’s the start of November already! Where did October go? Our October was full of vacation, sickness, constant baby night time wake ups, and some Fall fun.

Currently on the Cup of Tea blog

Here are some things that I’m currently up to:

Discovering | I realized these last few weeks that I’ve gotten stronger and my endurance is longer thanks to my 3 months of boot camp! Hooray! I also discovered that I can’t do jump rope….. two hops and I’m done.

Celebrating | This month was the month to celebrate Elizabeth turning 3 AND William turning 5 months! Can’t believe it. We did a few small family parties for Elizabeth in lew of the jumbo party this year, and it was delightful.

Starting | I haven’t exactly jumped to planning for Christmas yet but I am researching/thinking about what Christmas activities I need to get tickets for. I am definitely leaning towards a Nutcracker performance. And then maybe a Breakfast with Santa event… what do you look forward to?

Wearing | I can’t get enough of my mustard yellow cardigan featured in my video below! My Fall staple for sure.

Googling | If I looked in my history, it would be “5 month old keeps waking up at 5am!” and “why does my kid constantly wake up?”. HAHA Elizabeth was a solid 12 hour sleeper at night. She barely woke up, and if she did you knew something was up. William has been going through…. a thing… for the past 2 months. Wakes up at least 4 times a night for no reason other than he just woke up and now is annoyed he’s awake. He’s not hungry… cold… dirty diaper is a no…. ugh.

BONUS! Who’s ready for a favorites video???

Stila Sending My Love Face Pallet (also comes with lip gloss, eye shadow pallet and liner)

Urban Decay Naked Basics Eye Shadow Pallet

Target Merona Brand Open Cardigan

Skip Hop Bandana Buddies Puppet Book

Bunny Teether from Little Peaches Shop

The Forest Feast by Erin Gleeson

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I’ve linked up with the Currently link up at In Residence and A Short Blonde


  1. Anne says:

    Oh, man! So hard to get a not sleeper after having such a good one for your first. Hope you all figure that out soon. And way to go with the boot camp! Thanks for joining the linkup 🙂

  2. Cara says:

    Suddenly I’m glad my first was a terrible sleeper. I’m days away from having #2 and starting to remember the repressed memories of terribly long nights and even longer exhausted days. She’s a great sleeper now for the most part, so I’m hoping new baby will be merciful on me! I’ve become accustomed to sleeping through the night myself!

  3. Beth says:

    Lol! Yay for getting stronger. It is nice to feel like your hard work has paid off. Jump roping is terrible. I can do more than I used to, but man. I just don’t like it.

  4. Catherine Short says:

    I’m waiting for the day when Phoenix starts sleeping through the night. He regularly gets up 4-5 times a night (more in the early hours).

    For the last two nights I’ve put him down awake and let him cry for a bit to fall asleep and last night he only woke up 3 times, so hopefully we’re making progress? I know we developed some bad habits while living in an apartment. I responded to all cries in the night because I felt bad for our neighbors!

    I love your mustard sweater. It’s the perfect fall color.

  5. stephanie says:

    mustard is a great fall color! i used to have a few mustard cardigans but i have no idea where they went 🙁 i’m hoping to be able to go to the nutcracker this season too!!

    • Katie @ Cup of Tea says:

      I had a few too that I wore to DEATH and I finally had to say goodbye to. So it’s nice to have a new one back in rotation.

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