I was quiet a LOT on the blog and on my YouTube channel during the last half of 2017. I talked a little bit about why in this post, and also in this video.
But I also learned a lot of interesting things about myself last year. I’m still sorting through them in 2018, but nothing like a little insight to do life better.
So let’s just pretend that it’s January and I’m sharing this video then. And not all the way in April HA!
I recorded this way back in February, but have delayed making it live. There’s that ol’ action vs inaction rearing its ugly head.
Things mentioned in the video:
The Five Love Languages – http://www.5lovelanguages.com/
The Four Tendencies & Better Than Before, both by Gretchen Rubin
This podcast is also great, all about the 4 Tendencies! // goodlifeproject.com/podcast/gretchen-rubin-four-tendencies/
Learn more about decision fatigue // nytimes.com/2011/08/21/magazine/do-you-suffer-from-decision-fatigue.html
Or listen to my favorite podcast on this topic // productivityist.com/podcast-69-dr-andrew-hill/
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