High Five for Friday #151 | Santa #2 + Christmas Prep


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Welcome to High Five for Friday – hosted by me, BeckyTif, and Della! Come, read up on what we’ve been up to this week and get to know some amazing bloggers down below!

Another week! I can’t believe how quickly these weeks are going. Mercy!

1. Christmas preparations are all done! I put up the last of the real pine doodads yesterday, and I’ve told myself if it’s not done now, that’s that. I’ve also just about finished Christmas shopping. I need to do an Amazon order, but other than that, all has been gathered. The kids are done! It feels good to have that done.

2. We got to see another Santa this week, accidentally! We went to Duke Children’s hospital for an appointment for Elizabeth, and when we walked into the lobby, there was Santa in a sleigh! Elizabeth was miffed at first that her favorite fish tank in the lobby was blocked by a crowd, but when she stopped and noticed that Santa was there, she gasped! We stopped to say hi on our way out. He was so sweet! Elizabeth said she needed a “new magnifying glass because William broke mine”. HAHA fact! So I ordered one and plan to wrap it and tuck it in her stocking, from Santa. Both kids left with really great toy dogs too. So generous!

3. We are supposed to get some snow flurries today and tomorrow! That’s pretty exciting for us in North Carolina. I can’t wait! This week we’ve been getting colder weather and it’s so nice. I’m a sucker for chilly temps!

4. This week I’ve had fun hanging with William each morning while Elizabeth is at school. Normally he exhausts me haha! He’s a little tornado, whirling around creating destruction wherever he goes. But he just made me laugh all week! Yesterday, for the first time, he grabbed my cheeks and tried to kiss me, over and over. He’s never done that before! And then he spent about 20 minutes each day standing on a chair looking out the window. He gabs away, telling me what is going on out there. He really is so sweet!

5. What are your plans for this weekend? Anything fun and festive? We’ve got a work Christmas party for my husband tonight, and then tomorrow is our church’s Christmas party! It will be fun. I know we are all looking forward to a little quiet and down time. My husband has been working SO hard the last few weeks. He’s gone from busy shift to busy shift, without a true day off. He is in desperate need of a day off!

This week’s featured blogger is Danielle from Sparkles and Lattes from Reno, NV! She is a blogger who loves pizza, football, the outdoors and her family! If you love blogs featuring posts on fashion, motherhood and everyday life, then definitely check out Danielle!

How was your week?? Can’t wait to hear all about it!

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  1. Angela says:

    I’m planning on having a quiet weekend full of watching Christmas movies and I’m going to get everything in order for a very busy week of Christmas-related activities ahead.

  2. Jess says:

    We don’t have a darn thing up for Christmas, haha. We’re getting there! And we’re supposed to get snow this weekend too. I’m definitely less excited about it than you guys are! 😀

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