Favorites Lately | Beauty + Reading + Listening

It’s been a while since I’ve squeaked out a favorites video! As a result, I decided it needed to be a real hodge podge of favorites from the last few months.

A few will make you chuckle, and few will be no surprise, and a few will (hopefully) be new to you!

I’ve been obsessed with podcasts lately, and I’ve shared 2 of my favorites ones for productivity.

Let me also share that those flats, while no longer available, were scored for only $7! And I found them the day after I destroyed a similar pair! If that’s not a Target win, I don’t know what is.

Items Mentioned:

Beauty | Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Eraser Brightener, Dove Dry Shampoo Volume and Neutrogena’s Moisture Smooth Lipstick in Bright Berry

Wearing | Merona brand Animal Print flats (sold out)

ListeningThe Productivity Show podcast + The Productive Woman podcast (this was a great one!)

Reading | Kindle Paperwhite (read The Good Neighbor and currently reading Wild + Free) and the Magnolia Journal

Watching | Vikings on Amazon Prime or History Channel

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  1. Laura McClellan says:

    Hi, Katie! I loved your video–you’ve got me very tempted to buy a Kindle! I also enjoyed exploring your lovely website. Your daughter is adorable!

    Thank you for including The Productive Woman on your list. I’m honored to know you listen and glad you found the projects vs. tasks episode helpful.

    • Katie @ Cup of Tea says:

      The projects vs tasks episode was fantastic. Changed the way I wrote down tasks. I was a classic task migrater, day after day, so it was really helpful. Happy to spread the word about your great podcast!

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