Let’s Catch Up! | A New Video and a Discussion About Inaction vs. Action

Friends, I can’t believe I’ve had this video stored, fully edited, in my YouTube account for over a month!! That’s ridiculous. So ignore the fact that I may say “it’s already February” in this video. Just replace that with “it’s almost April!”.

I struggle with perfectionism… and this struggle manifests itself as struggling to make things live when I feel like it’s not the best. Here’s what I mean.

I recorded 3 videos in a row one Friday in early February. I love 2 of them! The third, this one, was the last one I filmed. My hair was rough. And I felt like I rambled. But since it was a “I’m back! Let’s catch up!” type video, and I eluded to it in the other 2, I knew this one had to go live first.

But I didn’t love it.

So I delayed SO LONG in making this live. But it must go live. It just has to. Or else these videos and the effort that went into it are wasted.

That’s the story of my life lately! Having so many videos and posts that are almost there, but not quite perfect. So they sit in draft. Or they just aren’t written. I am just going to commit to taking action instead of inaction.

There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction. – John F. Kennedy

So here we go! Action!

What are your struggles? Do you struggle with taking action sometimes? I want to know!

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