Menu Monday | Sandwiches and Pasta


It’s Monday! Did you have a wonderful weekend? We finally got some nice weather here in NC, so that was a nice change! And it’s totally got me in the mood for Spring!

This week I planned the menu around my craving. I really wanted sandwiches and pasta! Ain’t no shame in that game. I’m also planning a Trader Joe’s trip this week. I haven’t been in so long and we’re in need of a stock up trip. Anyone else get giddy about going to Trader Joe’s?

Don’t forget next Monday is a round up of all the new recipes I tried this month and what you HAVE to try too! If you missed the first post in the series, catch up now!

Need more info for how I menu plan? Check this out! Or read up on my favorite meal planning and grocery shopping hacks!

Skillet Mac & Cheese
(Recipe coming this week!)

Tomato and Mozzarella Paninis

Burgers & Fries

Baked Penne

Creamy Black Bean Soup with Cornbread


Pizza Night!

Need more ideas for dinner?
Follow my Pinterest board – it’s where I save all of my dinner ideas!

Follow Katie | Cup of Tea Blog's board Good Eats | Dinner on Pinterest.

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Linking up at Menu Monday with Org Junkie


  1. Colleen says:

    Sounds like you have a good lineup on the menu this week! We purchased a few gourmet pizzas this weekend (last night we tried the Mozzarella, Cherry Tomato and Pesto Pizza – yum!), so it was a good start to our dinner week. And yes, shopping at Trader Joe’s is always a treat! 🙂

  2. Emily says:

    I love Trader Joe’s! It’s so easy and not at all overwhelming! My favorite thing there are the fresh flowers! I also love that my kids look forward to helping pick them out.
    I’m working on a menu planning post right now. It’s a huge time saver to us, plus it avoids last minute, bad decisions, like fast food. I’ll have to read your post. It’s always fun to see how others do it! Have fun a TJ’s!

  3. Whitney Jordan says:

    We love “macky cheese” at our house so I’m looking forward to your recipe. Enjoy your TJ trip – I’m jealous because I haven’t been to one in ages. Stock up on the fresh flowers and other goodies for me 🙂

    • Katie @ Cup of Tea says:

      Ah the fresh flowers! We already have a few lingering from Vday (longest living flowers ever!) so I didn’t pick up any this time, but it really is the BEST place to grab some, right? This trip was definitely a stock up trip. HAHA! I found myself buying 2 or 3 of everything, just in case 😉

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